
Workshop & Coaching am WasserFEST

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Das Festival für ein ganzheitliches, gesundes, zufriedenes, bewußtes Leben – voller Mut & Leichtigkeit.​ Verbinde dich wieder mehr mit dir selbst, entdecke deine innere Stärke, entfalte deine Kreativität, habe Spaß und lade dich mit neuer Lebensenergie auf.​

Verrück dich in dein volles Potenzial

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Lerne dich auf unterschiedlichen mentalen und körperlichen Ebenen kennen, verstehen und zu verändern – um in deine volle Kraft zu kommen.

1 simple actionable technique to succeed even when life sucks

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The life changing power of consciously guiding your emotions. Being happy is your choice and only yours. No one else decides how you feel but you, also no circumstances around you. Even if you keep blaming others. You are the only creator of your happiness.

How being patient makes you more successful and healthier

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5 practical tips to become more patient and step up your game. Patience describes the ability to wait for something without becoming frustrated and is seen as a valuable character trait. Referring to it as a virtue suggests how admirable this quality is and that it’s reserved only for those mastering their impulses, which is not an easy task.